Ordinary Scholarship

Ordinary Scholarship is a non-authority activity that promote recognition of everyone’s own advantages and clearance of own pursuit in the highly competitive environment in Tsinghua University.

Excellence Scholarship for undergraduates in Tsinghua was originally designed to award those who have high achievements as undergraduate students. The set of standards for high achievements is generally limited in publication, grades and volunteer work. In normal cases, it’s their spirits of pursuing their own career that make them role models.

However, the propaganda has gone astray and students not only learn their spirits, but also started to fit themselves into the requirements, trying to be “excellent in the same way” instead of “samely excellent in different ways”.

Diversity of abilities and pursuits ought to be celebrated. It’s harzadous that everyone is fitting into one model of excellence. Excellence is in essence a praise to a few features or achievements of a person, who therefore is ultimately ordinary in most of his personality, just as others. No one is a superperson. That’s why the name “Ordinary” is used and why this activity is here.